21.5-83.67mg L_1 total solids, and 12.83-56.25 mg L_1 CaC03 total hardness (Fig. 5). In relation to seasonal variability, all the physicochemical variables showed significant temporal change (MANOVA, Wilks’ X — 0.000151, ^(100,326.88) = 7.898, R< 0.001) with the exception of conductivity (Tukey HSD test, /J> 0.05).
21.5-83.67mg L_1 total solids, and 12.83-56.25 mg L_1 CaC03 total hardness (Fig. 5). In relation to seasonal variability, all the physicochemical variables showed significant temporal change (MANOVA, Wilks’ X — 0.000151, ^(100,326.88) = 7.898, R< 0.001) with the exception of conductivity (Tukey HSD test, /J> 0.05).
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..