• If any young visitor comes in with the group we should help him/her, they generally just want to throw themselves through the activity and they are helped to get out, if they decide to stay inside the establishment he should be taken care of so that he does not get hurt by any bigger visitor.
• If you observe any strange behavior by the visitor, that indicates that he/she is not feeling well, you should call the coordinator immediately.
• You are who makes of this a unique and fun experience for our visitors, so please be kind to them. It will help you do your job better and feel good.
• Try to be spontaneous since this will reduce the monotony of the process, as long as you don’t loose the activity’s sequence. Remember that although young our visitors above all are our clients and deserve the best attention.
• When the technicians finish repairing the register we should dry the area up to avoid that someone can slip or any other accident.