This paper presented a framework of a real experimental
model of bandwidth management to analyze bandwidth gain
and packet saved on HTTP and HTTPs traffic in an IP based
network. The experimental setup is done on a real time IP
based network which caters about 40 thousand concurrent
users in a university. All traffic pass through the main leased
lines are filtered. Internet users’ caters from the overall
network which consists of all wired and wireless users that
scattered around in the university campus. A box used for the
experimental setup is called a blue coat box which stands at
the main core switch pass through the main network to the
internet. Rules and policies are implemented according to the
need of research objective and value. Five main bandwidth
collector boxes are setup in the framework. All network
traffic from the intranet is forwarded to one central point at
the core switch called Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)
number 891. Then all bandwidth is separated to balance the
load into five bandwidth collector box. One filtered box also
is configured to filter the traffic according to identified
policies. Results presented the gathered bytes transfers in
percentage and the bandwidth gain in multiple times of the
bandwidth traffic. The bandwidth gain proves that some
bandwidth saved based on the filtered policies. Continuous
monitoring on the gathered data would help to predict certain
assumptions on sufficient bandwidth need for the network
and network plan for the use of web applications in the organization.