The concept of combining mechanical refining, CCE and enzy- matic treatments for the conversion of kraft paper-grade pulp into dissolving pulp with high reactivity was illustrated in Fig. 1. For the conventional conversion process consisting of CCE treatment at a 9% NaOH concentration, followed by an endoglucanase (EG) treat- ment (the 9%CCE-EG process, top in Fig. 1), a strong alkali concen- tration would be needed because cellulosic fiber would have an excellent swelling at such a condition, thus resulting in a very favorable hemicelluloses removal, while a lower than that opti- mum NaOH would not get satisfactory results (Sixta, 2006b). How- ever, a high alkali concentration (more than 8%) can result in some issues in processibility and product quality, such as a difficult in alkali recovery and a low reactivity of resulting pulp (Schild and Sixta, 2011; Sixta, 2006a). Therefore, it is of practical interest in decreasing the NaOH concentration in the CCE stage.