The phrase "quality of bank loans," invoked within the framework of the concerns specific to the credit activities
carried by the banks, they arising also from ensuing the application of the fundamental principles of credit, aim a
side of particular interest of bank loans manifestation, reflected in the development of the processes and the results
obtained on micro level, but analyzed also on the macro level, especially, in the context of ensuring the financial
stability in one country or another. It remains, however, less contoured, under conceptual aspect, although there may
be invoked, in this respect, also some connotations implied by the classification of the loans granted by credit
institutions, in which their quality is differentiated on categories, in terms of the level of the exposure of the banks to
credit risk, in accordance with the scheme developed by the Institute of International Finance (IIF), quoted also in
the scientific literature in the field, this one being accepted and used in banking practice all over the world. Through
its content, such bank loan classification suggests their delimitation, in a descending order of their quality level into
the following five categories of loans: standard, watch, substandard, doubtful, loss (Krueger, 2002).