China has maintained its position as the largest
producer and consumer of cotton in the world [1].
However, during the cotton growth process, several
types of pest attack cotton delaying its normal growth
and development that causes considerable crop losses.
The Aphis gossypii Glover and Helicoverpa armigera
Hubner are the most important pests of cotton crops
in China. A. gossypii feeds on the underside of leaves
sucking nutrients from the plant. The foliage may
become chlorotic and die prematurely. Their feeding
also causes a great deal of distortion and leaf curling,
hindering photosynthetic capacity of the plant.
H. armigera prefers to feed on broadleaf species and is
a economically important polyphagous pest in China,
responsible for considerable damage to cotton.
To prevent large economic losses, seed filmcoat
ing technology has been used to reduce the damage of
pests. Results are usually positive since the number of
pests is reduced and the quality of the seeds is
improved when conventional treatments are used.
However, these conventional coatings are not the best
alternative for the environment due to their accumula
tive toxicity in the soil [2, 3]. An increasing number of
studies have focused on the assessment of ecological
risks associated with toxic seed coating agent, with an
emphasis on its effects on both target pests and their
natural enemies
China has maintained its position as the largestproducer and consumer of cotton in the world [1].However, during the cotton growth process, severaltypes of pest attack cotton delaying its normal growthand development that causes considerable crop losses.The Aphis gossypii Glover and Helicoverpa armigeraHubner are the most important pests of cotton cropsin China. A. gossypii feeds on the underside of leavessucking nutrients from the plant. The foliage maybecome chlorotic and die prematurely. Their feedingalso causes a great deal of distortion and leaf curling,hindering photosynthetic capacity of the plant.H. armigera prefers to feed on broadleaf species and isa economically important polyphagous pest in China,responsible for considerable damage to cotton.To prevent large economic losses, seed filmcoating technology has been used to reduce the damage ofpests. Results are usually positive since the number ofpests is reduced and the quality of the seeds isimproved when conventional treatments are used.However, these conventional coatings are not the bestalternative for the environment due to their accumulative toxicity in the soil [2, 3]. An increasing number ofstudies have focused on the assessment of ecologicalrisks associated with toxic seed coating agent, with anemphasis on its effects on both target pests and theirnatural enemies
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