The meaning and the dangers of diabetes Diabetes is a disease that is caused by disorders of the blood sugar level control. Cause the blood sugar level is too high, there is supposed to be caused by the secretion of insulin (insulin) which is a hormone that controls blood sugar levels is not sufficient. There is a condition called insulin, or arising from, the ability to respond to the effects of insulin decrease. Also called insulin-resistant or dementia caused by both, is in the same person may have both irregularities in insulin secretion and insulin response to the effects of reduced. And often difficult to tell whether a lack of insulin or insulin resistant causes the default that cause high blood sugar levels. A high blood sugar level for long periods of time. As a result, all the organs and tissues of the body, abnormal behavior occurs, and in the end cause complications depending on the organs include: The eyes, kidneys, nerves and brain. The heart, or a problem with the foot.