Channeling the Campaign
The latter of these, channel effects, arise from, or are associated with, attributes
of the specifi c means of communication employed by a campaign—
interpersonal communication, various of the mass media, so-called “new”
or Internet-based media, and so forth—and the ways in which those attributes
interact with or otherwise infl uence audiences. (In a later chapter, we
will introduce an additional notion of channeling, through networks of
intermediary actors, but those types of channels are not generally treated as
communication effects per se. So in the interests of parsimony, we will not
include them in the present discussion.) Channel attributes and channel
effects, then, are basically two sides of the same strategic coin, and in some
ways diffi cult to separate for purposes of discussion. In the present instance,
though, and recognizing that the distinction is somewhat artifi cial, let us
at least try to distinguish between two different sets of criteria upon which
the strategist can base channel-choice decisions: desired attributes, and
desired effects.
Channeling the CampaignThe latter of these, channel effects, arise from, or are associated with, attributesof the specifi c means of communication employed by a campaign—interpersonal communication, various of the mass media, so-called “new”or Internet-based media, and so forth—and the ways in which those attributesinteract with or otherwise infl uence audiences. (In a later chapter, wewill introduce an additional notion of channeling, through networks ofintermediary actors, but those types of channels are not generally treated ascommunication effects per se. So in the interests of parsimony, we will notinclude them in the present discussion.) Channel attributes and channeleffects, then, are basically two sides of the same strategic coin, and in someways diffi cult to separate for purposes of discussion. In the present instance,though, and recognizing that the distinction is somewhat artifi cial, let usat least try to distinguish between two different sets of criteria upon whichthe strategist can base channel-choice decisions: desired attributes, anddesired effects.
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