Film Analysis: The Name of the Rose
The Name of the Rose is a 1986 movie already long forgotten or never before seen by most. Those that have seen it often don’t remember much, save that it starred Sean Connery and was about monks. Which is pretty accurate, I admit. The Name of the Rose is based on the book of the same name by Umberto Eco. Eco is a renowned semiotician…among those of us who know what a semiotician actually is (I see a future blog post in this). Basically, Eco studies and analyzes how signs and symbols are used and, as a writer, he creates narratives that use those symbols in very overt and subtle ways to introduce and support themes. Most artists do this, but Eco is a specialist. Since I absolutely love decoding movies and books that invite their own kind of secular hermeneutics (this one’s not getting a blog post – you have to look it up), I go after semiotic works like most people follow their favourite sports. Peeling away layers, digging through symbols and etymologies, spotting the deliberate crumbs of meaning an author trails through a narrative – this is the safari of the mind.
Film Analysis: The Name of the RoseThe Name of the Rose is a 1986 movie already long forgotten or never before seen by most. Those that have seen it often don’t remember much, save that it starred Sean Connery and was about monks. Which is pretty accurate, I admit. The Name of the Rose is based on the book of the same name by Umberto Eco. Eco is a renowned semiotician…among those of us who know what a semiotician actually is (I see a future blog post in this). Basically, Eco studies and analyzes how signs and symbols are used and, as a writer, he creates narratives that use those symbols in very overt and subtle ways to introduce and support themes. Most artists do this, but Eco is a specialist. Since I absolutely love decoding movies and books that invite their own kind of secular hermeneutics (this one’s not getting a blog post – you have to look it up), I go after semiotic works like most people follow their favourite sports. Peeling away layers, digging through symbols and etymologies, spotting the deliberate crumbs of meaning an author trails through a narrative – this is the safari of the mind.
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