As activities of transforming waste gas into resources, Sudokwon Landfill site Management Corporation (from
here after SLC) have decided to install Landfill Gas (from here after LFG) power plant after reviewing a plan
of medium/high energy content gas production and electric power generation in 2000. LFG collection potential
rate is about 75%, generating capacity of this plant was determined as 50MW. This project activity involves
this specific type of installation1
The main objectives of this project are (1) to destruct methane more efficiently (2) to reduce green house gas
and (3) to construct clean generation system with renewable energy.
The Sudokwon Landfill is the largest dumping site in Korea, dealing with wastes from Seoul, Inchon and
Kyonggi province. From 1992 to 2005 cumulative waste amounts 97,074 kilo tonnes and yearly average waste
to 6,934 kilo tonnes.2
The landfill site is composed of 4 sites. 1st site was reclaimed from 1992 to 2000 and
2nd site which succeeded 1st site has been reclaimed since 2000. 3rd and 4th site are plan to be reclaimed in the
future. Central incineration station is composed of 6 units. 4 units was installed in 1996 as 1st phase and the
other 2 units in 1998 as 2nd phase. Existing 6.5MW power plant was installed in 2001 and 3.38MW power
plant in 2003.
In previous decade, most of the LFG was destroyed by central flaring facility and only the rest was destroyed
by 6.5MW & 3.38MW power plant. In 2004, 87.2 % of LFG was flared and 11.9 % of LFG was used for
generation. When 50MW power plant is installed, most of LFG will be destroyed by this facility and only the
rest will be destroyed by 6.5MW & 3.38 MW power plant and central flaring facility. Also, existing temporary
burners will be pulled down and a park will be installed at this location, which results in improvement of LFG
collection rate.3
This project is composed of (1) expansion of the collection system and (2) construction of the 50MW LFG
power plant using steam turbine which replaces the existing facilities. It is expected to reduce 12,103,416
tCO2e green-house gases during 10 years, from 2007 to 2017.