1. A Conference of the Parties to the Convention is hereby established to improve the capacity of
States Parties to combat transnational organized crime and to promote and review the
implementation of this Convention [and the Protocol].
Convention Annotation: Governments that have ratified or signed the Convention and the
Trafficking Protocol meet annually in Vienna, starting in 2004. Information on the first
meeting in 2004 is available at www.unodc.org/unodc/crime_cicp_signatures.html.
2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene the Conference of the Parties not
later than one year following the entry into force of this Convention. The Conference of the Parties
shall adopt rules of procedure and rules governing the activities set forth in paragraphs 3 and 4 of
this article (including rules concerning payment of expenses incurred in carrying out those
Convention Annotation: The Rules of Procedure, which were adopted at the first meeting,
permit NGOs to observe the meetings.
3. The Conference of the Parties shall agree upon mechanisms for achieving the objectives
mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article, including:
(a) Facilitating activities by States Parties under articles 29, 30 and 31 of this Convention,
including by encouraging the mobilization of voluntary contributions;
(b) Facilitating the exchange of information among States Parties on patterns and trends in
transnational organized crime and on successful practices for combating it;
(c) Cooperating with relevant international and regional organizations and non-governmental
(d) Reviewing periodically the implementation of this Convention [and the Protocol];
(e) Making recommendations to improve this Convention [and the Protocol] and its