This is acceptable owing to the lack of interest in exercise for obese people.
In Kisvetrová and Valášková study, obesity was observed as a risk factor with deficient physical activity by 36.60%, but the relationship between the BMI values in the elderly and their participation in physical activity was not confirmed.
Hodge et al. reported that moderate exercise and physical activity, was associated with the experience of successful aging and a healthy lifestyle, ideal weight can lead to appropriate changes in old age.
In the present study, there was no significant association between educational level and lifestyle domains apart from of education, score of lifestyle and all domains increased.
Roskam and Kunst informed lower education levels have been shown to predict overweight.
This difference between our study and others may be as a result of very low educational level in current study.
Perhaps because less educated groups are less receptive to health education messages and do not perceive their lifestyles as a health risk.