Glass is very easy to recycle; waste bottles and jars can be melted down and used again and again.
You simply toss old glass into the furnace with the ingredients you're using to make brand-new glass.
Most of the metal we throw away at home comes from food and drink cans and aerosols.
Typically food cans are made from steel, which can be melted down and turned into new food cans.
Drinks cans are generally thinner and lighter and made from aluminum, which can also be recycled very easily.
Mining aluminum is a very energy-intensive and environmentally harmful process.
That's why waste aluminum cans have a relatively high value and why recycling them is such a good thing to do.
There are about 50 different groups of plastics, with hundreds of different varieties. Most types of plastic are recyclable. Because most plastics are non-degradable, they take a long time to break down, possibly up to hundreds of years - although no-one knows for certain as plastics haven't existed for long enough.
All grades of metal can be recycled for future use. Before it is recycled, metals are sorted into ferous and non-ferrous types. Ferrous metal includes Iron and Steel, non-ferrous includes aluminium, copper, stainless-steel, brass and lead to name but a few.
Industry and commerce dispose of approximately 8.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard in the UK each year! Every tonne of recycled cardboard saves 17 trees, 2 cubic yards of landfill capacity and 4100 Kw/hours of electricity!