2.4 Digestibility study
The animals were fed on the experimental diets for 6 weeks and by the last week (12 weeks of age) eight animals from each treatment were selected to perfrom the digestibility trial
the assighed rabbits were housed individually in metabolic cayes
Feed consumption was accurately determined and feces were collected for 4 days as a collection period (perez at al 1995) the collection was performed at approximately 09.00 am each morning before the next daily ration was provided and then the feces were dried at 60 องศาเซลเซียส for 24 h
All collected fecsfor each animal were mixed then representative feces samples were ground for chemical analyses
The opparent nutrient digestibility coefficients according to the classical formula (perez et al .1995)
Apparent nutrient digestability (%)=100 คูณ [(NI-NE)/(NI)]
Where NI represented the nutrient intake and NE expresed the nutrient excreted