1) Modify your images to meet our requirements. 3rd party sites such as removethebackground.com may be helpful to accomplish this.
2) Make your images available online (e.g. on your website, on another e-commerce platform or on a free image hosting service such as www.photobucket.com).
3) Resubmit your approval request using the Contact Us form at http://www.amazonservices.com/contactus
4) Include the link to your images in the "Comments and/or Details" field of the Contact Us form. You must include a link so that we can review your revised images.
Providing proper images is not the only requirement to list in the Automotive & Powersports category. Please review the requirements on the Contact Us form, and once you believe you meet the requirements resubmit your Automotive & Powersports application.
Thank you again for your interest in listing your products in the Automotive & Powersports category.