The present study examined the effect of a modified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
program on overall quality of life and self-reported medical and psychological symptoms
among a sample of ten religious community-dwelling adults over age 65. This study
served as a feasibility study to determine the efficacy of conducting similar groups over a
longer time period. This 10-session group program was for individuals dealing with
stress-related problems, illness, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain, and incorporated
aspects of religiosity germane to the sample of participants, such as recitation and
reflection of scripture passages and the bidirectional relationship between one’s religious
practices and principles of mindfulness covered during sessions. Participants completed
measures of mindfulness (Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills – KIMS), overall
quality of life (World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief Version – WHOQOLBREF),
and medical and psychological symptoms (Outcome Questionnaire 45.2 –
OQ45.2, and Geriatric Depression Scale – GDS), at pre- and post-intervention.
Quantitative results through the use of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests revealed no
statistically significant differences between pre and post results for any of the four
measures used. A strongly negative correlation between the KIMS pre-intervention
survey and the GDS pre-intervention survey was found. Qualitative data were also
gathered, and revealed themes which are discussed further. Failure to find significant
results may be due to the small sample size. Limitations of this research project along
with implications for future research are also discussed.
The present study examined the effect of a modified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reductionprogram on overall quality of life and self-reported medical and psychological symptomsamong a sample of ten religious community-dwelling adults over age 65. This studyserved as a feasibility study to determine the efficacy of conducting similar groups over alonger time period. This 10-session group program was for individuals dealing withstress-related problems, illness, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain, and incorporatedaspects of religiosity germane to the sample of participants, such as recitation andreflection of scripture passages and the bidirectional relationship between one’s religiouspractices and principles of mindfulness covered during sessions. Participants completedmeasures of mindfulness (Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills – KIMS), overallquality of life (World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief Version – WHOQOLBREF),and medical and psychological symptoms (Outcome Questionnaire 45.2 –OQ45.2, and Geriatric Depression Scale – GDS), at pre- and post-intervention.Quantitative results through the use of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests revealed nostatistically significant differences between pre and post results for any of the fourmeasures used. A strongly negative correlation between the KIMS pre-interventionsurvey and the GDS pre-intervention survey was found. Qualitative data were alsogathered, and revealed themes which are discussed further. Failure to find significantresults may be due to the small sample size. Limitations of this research project alongwith implications for future research are also discussed.
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