interaction (Davis et al., 2000). This alters the nature of symbolic
consumption. He is able to participate in female-oriented
chat rooms, browse for and purchase female-oriented products
such as skincare supplies, and even develop an online relationship
with another male. Once the online experience is over, he
then, if he wishes, reverts back to his masculine self. A similar
scenario can be created for females.
Therefore it is hypothesised that
Model A: Online Gender Moderated Model
H1: Hedonic shopping motivation online has a significant
effect on gender (online).
H2: Gender (online) has a significant effect on purchase
intentions online.
H3: Hedonic shopping motivation online has a significant
effect on purchase intentions online moderated by gender
H4: Hedonic shopping motivation online has a significant
effect on purchase intentions online.
Model B: Offline Gender Moderated Model
H5: Hedonic shopping motivation online has a significant
effect on gender (offline).
H6: Gender (offline) has a significant effect on purchase
intentions online.
H7: Hedonic shopping motivation online has a significant
effect on purchase intentions online moderated by gender
H8: Hedonic shopping motivation online has a significant
effect on purchase intentions online.