The demand for the pesticide free products prompted investigating the potential of chitosan to be used as an antifungal agent to reduce anthracnose disease on banana var. embul. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum lethal concentration (MLC) of chitosan against Colletotricum musae were determined via a series of experiments using Poisoned food bioassay. A complete inhibition of C. musae was observed at concentration of 0.75% (MIC) and above. Fungicidal effect was observed with no mycelial growth in the growth revival test at concentration of 1.0% (MLC) and above. “Embul” banana at colour index 2 (10% yellow stage) were subjected to in-vivo treatments. In-vivo study using 1.0% chitosan significantly reduced both anthracnose incidence and severity on banana. Significant changes were observed in chitosan treated banana in firmness, and percentage weight loss with respect to controls. These results show that chitosan can be used to control Anthracnose disease in “embul” banana.