To determine the boundary of the wound area, we first determine
an outline of the foot within the image. Hence the initial
Image segmentation operation is to divide the original image
into pixel groups with homogeneous color values. Specifically,
the Foot outline detection is performed by finding the largest
connected component in the segmented image under the condition
that the color of this component is similar enough to a
preset standard skin color. Based on the standard color checkers
provided in [20], both the light and dark skin color thresholds in
CIE LAB space are incorporated into the system, which means
that our algorithm is expected to work for most skin colors. Afterwards,
we carry out a Wound boundary determination based
on the foot outline detection result. If the foot detection result
is regarded as a binary image with the foot area marked as
“white” and rest part marked as “black,” it is easy to locate the
wound boundary within the foot region boundary by detecting