Use of appropriate
selective culturing and isolation techniques has led to the
observation of significant antibiotic and cytotoxic activity
and has resulted in the isolation of a potent cytotoxin,
salinosporamide A (23; Scheme 6), a very potent proteasome
inhibitor (IC50 ) 1.3 nM),75 currently in phase I clinical trials
and heading for phase II. Other recent discoveries include
saliniketals A and B (24 and 25; Scheme 6), potential
chemopreventive agents isolated from Salinispora arenicola76
and the marinomycins, novel macrolides isolated from
another new actinomycete genus named Marinispora, with
marinomycins A (26; Scheme 6) to D showing potent activity
against drug-resistant bacterial pathogens and some melanomas
Use of appropriate
selective culturing and isolation techniques has led to the
observation of significant antibiotic and cytotoxic activity
and has resulted in the isolation of a potent cytotoxin,
salinosporamide A (23; Scheme 6), a very potent proteasome
inhibitor (IC50 ) 1.3 nM),75 currently in phase I clinical trials
and heading for phase II. Other recent discoveries include
saliniketals A and B (24 and 25; Scheme 6), potential
chemopreventive agents isolated from Salinispora arenicola76
and the marinomycins, novel macrolides isolated from
another new actinomycete genus named Marinispora, with
marinomycins A (26; Scheme 6) to D showing potent activity
against drug-resistant bacterial pathogens and some melanomas
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