Using the intact class method, the three schools were randomly assigned through lot casting to
experimental groups I and II and the control group. Experimental group I was exposed to captioned video
instruction on library use, experimental group II was exposed to face-to-face instruction on library use
while the control group was interacted with on what they could become in future. This has no relationship
with the subject of library use, which is the main focus of the study. The pre-tests took place immediately
after assignment to research groups. After the pre-test, the next seven weeks were used for treatment for
the groups. The content of instruction was based on the recommendations of the syllabus for library use
education programme for secondary schools developed by Ogunsheye et al (2001). The captioned video
instruction group received instruction via the video set as taught by the researcher while the face-to-face
instruction group was taught directly by the researcher with the assistance of the specialist teacher who
interpreted to the class in sign language. This is to ensure similarity in the method of delivery of
instruction, as the researcher is also the instructor in the captioned video. Data Analysis
Data collected was analyzed using t-test and analysis of covariance with the pretest scores as
Hypothesis testing
Hypothesis 1
H0: There is no significant difference in the performance of students exposed toface-to-face instruction
and the control group
Hypothesis 2
H0: There is no significant difference in the performance of students exposed to captioned video
instruction and the control group.