My Darling!!! Wow!! It has been exhilarating here, there has been so much to do.i carried Larry around and had four meetings with art curators ... It was a really busy day baby.. but the only thing that was constant was me missing you all day. I am really tired... I should be buying the last part of artworks later today.
They restricted me from taking photos because of the massive plagiarism going on in the art world these days.... these artworks are just priceless, never before exhibited in the world. They are so rare... I had to make serious bargain to get them.
Larry is complaining of a slight tummy trouble, i have put him to sleep though.
Enough about me darling how are you? I really miss you...i would be going to make the flight arrangement tomorrow,heard it is usually rough around there during that period... I can't wait to have you in my arms.... I missed you baby, i really do miss you.....I am really tired now and going to sleep. I don't know why the network is this terrible here, but will send you text messages if i can't call again.
I love you darling, i really do.
Kisses my dear. while i was at the exhibition i wrote you a short poem
Come, dark-eyed Sleep, thou child of Night,
Give me thy dreams, thy lies;
Lead through the horny portal white
The pleasure day denies.
O bring the kiss I could not take
From lips that would not give;
Bring me the heart I could not break,
The bliss for which I live.
I care not if I slumber blest
By fond delusion; nay,
Put me on your lips to rest,
And cheat the cruel day!