Following K Thanee message I invite all of you to reconsider deeply the request of people.
In my opinion we can not increase 10% our work force. OUR TARGET IS MAX PRODUCTIVITY WITH THE LESS NUMBER OF PEOPLE POSSIBLE.
Are several years that we request to consider this problems. Nothing has been done. I agree that in the year 2012 and 2013 we increased the production and some more people was necessary. The concept of increasing the productivity remain still valid, but as I said nothing has been done.
Our procapite productivity is 50% lower then our competitors. because of this matter our Factory production cost is very high and we are going to have lot of problems.
Now a day the market is more difficult then in the past. Demand is declining, number of producers are increasing.
It is a must to reduce our production cost and our fixed costs. We can not achieve our target if we are not increasing the productivity and more worst if we increase number of people.