Hello. We are the Dinh-Mozzo family. In addition to Michael and Kim we have four amazing kids. Our interest is split between work and home. Work is work (you have to have an interest in your job or it makes life hard). At home our number one focus are the children and we want to do as much as we can as a family. So at this point in our lives the children's interest is our interest but we always try to open them up to new things. Prior to family life... Kim's favorite interest was (and still is) traveling to new places to see and experience new things and Michael's interest is gardening and camping / bag-packing. Aidan loves video games Legos and playing outside with friends. Kaitlynn enjoys reading art (and having someone paint her nails braid her hair and put make-up on). While Alex enjoys playing with and imitating his older brother and sister he also loves trains and Legos (and be outside as much as possible). Kloe wants to be part of the mix and feel loved. We all love swimming at the pool going for walks / riding bikes and playing around the house having camp fires. Our kids are the center of our lives and you'll find that their personalities make every day so joyous and interesting!