Fig. 4. Plasma concentration of Ca in cows fed low phosphorus (P) (LP, ), medium P (MP, ▲) or high P (HP, □) in dry period and lactation period including
the treatment shift from LP to former LP (FLP, ●). Dry period (week 4 to 2), early lactation (week 2 to 12) and late lactation (week 24 to 36) are indicated
by arrows. Parturition at week 0 is indicated by vertical arrow. Each data point is the least squares means (LSM)7 standard error of means (SEM). Plasma Ca
concentration was not affected by treatment in dry period or in late lactation (P4 0.52), but increased (P ¼0.01) in early lactation in LP (2.77 0.24)
compared with MP (2.5 7 0.24) and HP (2.3 7 0.24)