The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) has been one of the oldest domesticated species of fish for food[1].Carps are
omnivorous, with high tendency towards the consumption of benthic organisms, such as water insects, larvae of
insects, worms, molluscs and zooplankton. Digging in the bottom in search for food items results in turbid water.
Zooplankton consumption is dominant in fish ponds where the stocking density is high [2]. Feed represents the
single largest input in aquaculture production. At present both protein and energy rich conventional dietary
ingredients are of short supply. Therefore, there is need to incorporate unexplored unconventional locally available
cheaper feed stuffs in fish feeds. To reduce the dependence on animal based protein in fish diet, plant based protein
feedstuffs are used which also decreases feed cost of artificial fish meal [3].