Research and knowledge about dietary habits based nutrition commandments of the nine students to the hospital management. Faculty of Public Health and the Environment University of
copyrights (Knowledge and Food Consumption Behavior of Nine Food-Base Dietary Guidelines for Faculty of Health Students, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University) Advisor: Professor Rittichai. Techa rooms at Tim joy. This research aims to study knowledge. Nutrition and dietary habits by students of the ninth commandment Hospital Management
Faculty of Public Health and Environment. Burapha University This research is a survey research. The sample of students in hospital management. Faculty of Public Health and the Environment To conclude 218 stratified random sampling by 1. (Stratified random sampling) by grade and gender. By calculating the proportion of students in each grade by the total population. And the ratio calculated as the number of male and female students in each grade 2. Simple random sampling (Sample random sampling), and not by picking lottery ticket that night. There will be no repeat unit is selected. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. (Questionnaire) through an examination content validity index of 3 experts have consistency between question is between 0:06 to 1:00 purposes confidence. The questionnaire about their knowledge about food and food additives, equal to 0.67 and a questionnaire about dietary habits, according to the Nutrition Act 9 which equals 0.774 storage since November 2558 questionnaires were returned of 100 statistical procedures used. 1. Descriptive statistics (Descriptive Statistics) to describe the characteristics of the population, including gender, age, grade level, the average income of the student residence, domicile by analyzing average (Mean), frequency (Frequencies), percentage (Percentage) and standard deviation (. Standard deviation) 2. Statistical Inference (Inferential Statistics) analyzed the relationship between personal factors. Knowledge of the principles of nutrition and dietary habits ninth commandment, use the chi-square
(Chi-square test, x2) The study found that 91.7 percent of female students aged 18-23 years old 20 to 55 years. The figure was 25.2 percent lived in a dorm of 177 people representing 81.2 studying in grade one of 59 people representing 27.1 average income per month over 5000 Baht 111 people, representing 50.9 percent. and is domiciled in the Northeast, 75 percent, 34.4 with the knowledge that vitamins and minerals are nutrients that the body can not be utilized. 93.6 per cent and with the knowledge that brown rice is more nutritious rice and glutinous rice. 93.6 per cent, followed by vegetables and fruit for those who only constipation. 89.0 percent and antioxidant commonly used in the food industry with fat and oil component. 80.3 per cent respectively have dietary habits that most routinely eat cooked food, clean with 61.0 percent of the dietary habits of nutrition constituted by nine factors are moderate. With an average of 2.00 to 2.99 79.4 percent Individual students No relation to dietary habits, according to the 9th commandment Nutrition statistically significant.Knowledge of the dietary intake of students. No relation to dietary habits, according to the 9th commandment Nutrition statistically significant.