While analysing activities undertaken by
numerous leaders (press releases regarding
closing down or relocating production) of
individual industries, it may be concluded that
solutions concentrating production within one
or just a few plants located in each continentvital for a given business become increasingly
popular. This trend consisting in minimising
the number of manufacturing locations is
clearly visible, particularly during the economy
slowdown periods. Main sub-suppliers are
frequently located in the vicinity of such
plants. Another trend can also be observed
here, i.e. creation of supply chains in regions,
which applies both to the supply and
distribution process. Among others, Poland
together with its neighbours belongs to such
a region. While analysing trends set by
individual leaders, it may be concluded that we
more and more frequently witness creation of
distribution systems based on one distribution
centre operating a few or even several
countries located around it. In other common
cases, a supply chain leader bases their
production on one plant from which products
are distributed all over the European market,
directly to a retail network, omitting additional
links in the supply chain (distributors,
wholesalers, a commercial network can also be
a supply chain leader). In the majority of cases,
a supply chain leader is responsible for its
efficiency. This entity defines conditions of
cooperation which determine suppliers'
activities including logistics services.
Contracts concluded with suppliers usually
include expectations connected with delivery
methods, product quality and services in terms
of their promptness, completeness of delivery
in relation to orders, timeframes, etc. Such
requirements have direct impact on efficiency
of the entire supply chain. They make it more
or less effective.