Maternal demographics and characteristics for the NVP
(33 %), NP (39 %), and SF (28 %) groups relevant for the
multivariable analyses are shown in Table 1. The total
study sample compared with those women excluded
from the sample display similar values in regards maternal
age, BMI and energy intake. The proportions of para
0 women, women with ≤12 years education and daily
smokers during pregnancy are slightly lower in the study
sample. However, among the excluded women, 13.2 %
(n = 5438/41 195) had missing values on education and
14.4 % (n = 5922/41 195) had missing values on smoking.
The SF group had the lowest proportion of those with
high blood pressure pre-pregnancy and the highest proportion
of those with diabetes pre-pregnancy (Table 2).
Moreover, amongst the para ≥1 women, the SF group
had the lowest proportion of reported previous stillbirths
or spontaneous miscarriages, lowest proportion of previous
experiences of PGP, and the lowest proportion of
previous preeclampsia.