Other interactive image-based 3D modeling sys
tems have been proposed that exploit precomputed structure
from motion information. For example, V1deoTrace by van
den Hengel et al. [V. D. HengelA., DickA. R., Thormahlen T.,
Ward B., Torr P. H. S.: Videotrace: rapid interactive scene
modelling from video. ACM Trans. Graph. 26, 3 (2007)] and
the architectural modeling system proposed by Sinha et al.
[Sinha S. N., Steedly D., SZeliski R., AgraWala M., Pollefeys
M.: Interactive 3d architectural modeling from unordered
photo collections. ACM Trans. Graph. 27, 5 (2008)] alloW for
interactive generation of 3D models by ?rst sketching poly
gons in a user-selected image and then manually adjusting the
positions of projected vertices and edges. Both systems use
scene points or automatically detected vanishing points and
lines to guide the user While editing. HoWever, these systems
suffer from the inability to reproduce ?ne surface structure
and geometric detail since the reconstructed model consists
of a coarse collection of planar polygons only.
Other interactive image-based 3D modeling systems have been proposed that exploit precomputed structurefrom motion information. For example, V1deoTrace by vanden Hengel et al. [V. D. HengelA., DickA. R., Thormahlen T.,Ward B., Torr P. H. S.: Videotrace: rapid interactive scenemodelling from video. ACM Trans. Graph. 26, 3 (2007)] andthe architectural modeling system proposed by Sinha et al.[Sinha S. N., Steedly D., SZeliski R., AgraWala M., PollefeysM.: Interactive 3d architectural modeling from unorderedphoto collections. ACM Trans. Graph. 27, 5 (2008)] alloW forinteractive generation of 3D models by ?rst sketching polygons in a user-selected image and then manually adjusting thepositions of projected vertices and edges. Both systems usescene points or automatically detected vanishing points andlines to guide the user While editing. HoWever, these systemssuffer from the inability to reproduce ?ne surface structureand geometric detail since the reconstructed model consistsof a coarse collection of planar polygons only.
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