1) Posing open-ended problems
This step was the beginning of problem solving: posing
open-ended problem related to a problem situation presented by
the teacher as shown in Figure 5. Students’ behavior and use of
metacognition, which connected with the first step related to
attempting to understand the problem situation; students
thought those problems were their problems (students’ problematic),
showing their desire in proving or finding solutions by
themselves. This conclusion was drawn from the observed enthusiasm
to solve problems by themselves or saying something
to show acceptance, for example, “I can do”, or “I want to do”,
and expressing their happiness when the teacher asked students
to participate in problem solving as a group. In this step, the
teacher posed the problem situation to students by using pictures
and telling stories in order to lead to the mentioned instructions.
The teacher began her class by greeting students,
and after that, she put the pictures on the magnet board and
chose two volunteer students to act as supporting characters in
the stories by using the pictures. The teacher allowed students
to observe and consider the pictures.
In this step, it demonstrated that students tried to understand
the problem by showing enthusiasm, concentrated on the pictures,
and described what they had observed. Students’ attempts
to find answer and make predictions were the beginning, which
led to proof of finding facts of conclusions by students for the
next steps.
proach:1) Posing open-ended problemsThis step was the beginning of problem solving: posingopen-ended problem related to a problem situation presented bythe teacher as shown in Figure 5. Students’ behavior and use ofmetacognition, which connected with the first step related toattempting to understand the problem situation; studentsthought those problems were their problems (students’ problematic),showing their desire in proving or finding solutions bythemselves. This conclusion was drawn from the observed enthusiasmto solve problems by themselves or saying somethingto show acceptance, for example, “I can do”, or “I want to do”,and expressing their happiness when the teacher asked studentsto participate in problem solving as a group. In this step, theteacher posed the problem situation to students by using picturesand telling stories in order to lead to the mentioned instructions.The teacher began her class by greeting students,and after that, she put the pictures on the magnet board andchose two volunteer students to act as supporting characters inthe stories by using the pictures. The teacher allowed studentsto observe and consider the pictures.In this step, it demonstrated that students tried to understandthe problem by showing enthusiasm, concentrated on the pictures,and described what they had observed. Students’ attemptsto find answer and make predictions were the beginning, whichled to proof of finding facts of conclusions by students for the
next steps.
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