6. Transportation and Movement of Live Animals
6.1 Surplus zoo stock should only be passed on to responsible persons who have the
appropriate facilities, resources and expertise to ensure the welfare of the animals. Where
necessary, the appropriate licences for the keeping and management of the species must be
6.2 Facilities suitable for lifting, crating and transportation of all the types of animals kept
within the zoo to destinations both inside and outside the zoo should be readily available.
6.3 Zoos must ensure that they comply fully with the requirements of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) which governs the import, export,
sale and other commercial use – including display – of species listed on its Appendices.
CITES is implemented within the EU by way of two Regulations which in many respects
are stricter that CITES itself. Further information on the CITES Regulations is reproduced
in the bibliography. Other considerations to be taken into account when animals are
moved to accommodation outside the zoo include:
a) transport must conform with all other current Regulations, including MAFF and
IATA provisions.