This study will help IM organizations as well as higher education systems to have a clear
understanding of how e-learning will work and which factors need to be considered in
order to develop appropriate policies and strategies, and to plan for funds and resource
To date, no empirical research has been conducted about e-learning in IM education in
Sri Lanka.
The contextual model of factors needs to be developed and can be used by tertiary-level
IM education provider organizations as well as others to understand barriers and
enablers when planning and adopting e-learning in their organizations.
The government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) has introduced e-Sri Lanka, a major national
development project (discussed in section It consists of six programmes: i)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) policy, leadership, and capacity
building, ii) the information infrastructure, iii) re-engineering government, iv) ICT
Human Resource (HR) capacity building, v) ICT investment and private sector
development, and vi) e-society. This research may have useful implications for some of
the areas in the e-Sri Lanka national development project