Meeting the Challenges
Although the economy and investment in Thailand are whirring along, there are hurdles to overcome for continued strong growth. “The challenge for our country will be to grasp new opportunities by increasing our labor productivity through education while embracing innovation and technology,” Pongsvas said.
Kuncinas added to that. “The main issue is how to create new sources of growth in the modern manufacturing, knowledge and service-oriented sectors,” he said. As manufacturing currently dominates economic activity in Thailand, he encouraged modernization especially in the agro-business sector.
Opportunities were also seen in further expansion of services, finance, logistics, tourism and the added-value segment. Understanding this, Grimsditch encouraged investors to “look to Thailand.”
“The Report: Thailand 2012” is available in print or online. The OBG publishes economic and political intelligence on nearly 30 countries across Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and North and South Africa. Its country publications have a diverse readership, including international policymakers, donor organizations, journalists, embassies, multinational companies and business leaders.