Thank you for responding.
Yes - the content is completely unique - because I wrote it as an writer for what turned out to be a 'scammer' client that did not pay me and disappeared from Elance. They then sign up again, using different names, email addresses, etc. and do the whole thing all over.
I wrote this copy for the costume to attract kids such as my own son. The only thing that I was concerned about is that the other websites showing the costume description all had the words 'official licensed' and since I did not know if these were officially licensed, I did not include it.
I wrote many articles and reviews and did not get paid. I am NOT asking you for any payment. I am turning all documentation over to the attorney and we are pursuing a class-action lawsuit against iWriter for the many writers they have ripped off.
The only thing I am asking from you is the following:
1} Remove the content from your website
2} Send a letter to me on your company letterhead stating you were not aware that the content was copyright infringed.
It appears that both you, the other customers I am talking to that have added my content to their websites and myself and all the other writers have been ripped off by iWriter.
If you do the above steps, I will turn the information over to the attorney and you will not be included as part of the lawsuit.
I am sending you the following proof of my work done and lack of payment in pdf copies:
The Skype Conversation with the 'fake client' (Listed as William Price) showing file upload on 8/8/14: (SkypeConvDrax)
The copy that I wrote and submitted on 8/8/14 - along with your website showing that it was elevated without consent or payment.(DraxTheDestCostumeWebsite)
A screenshot of the last Elance billing request to the 'fake client' - requesting payment (LastMessageBilling)
A screenshot of the work uploaded to Elance, including the Drax costume document (WorkUploadedScreenshot)
A copy of the unpaid invoice to the 'fake client' William Price (WPriceElanceInvoice)
Again, thank you for responding and I repeat, I do NOT and am NOT requesting any payment for my work. I am just looking to turn this information over to the attorney and allow justice; removing these rip-off artists from harming anyone else.
Let me know if you need anything else,
Karen Sulprizio
Cell: 941 468-3707