Training in question has now been finalised in terms of dates, content and location and please find attached all the details.
For most of you this is something that was discussed at last GM conference and we are now ready to proceed. We weren’t able to complete training program in October of this year, as initially envisaged, and instead it was re-scheduled and 5 sessions in total have been booked (to cover 60 individuals) and exact dates are:
- Session #1 : Thu 7th Jan – Sat 9th Jan
- Session #2 : Mon 11th Jan – Wed 13th Jan
- Session #3 : Thu 14th Jan – Sat 16th Jan
- Session #4 : Mon 18th Jan – Wed 20th Jan
- Session #5 : Thu 21st Jan – Sat 23rd Jan
It will be conducted by Dano Consultants and Mr. Guy Dano himself who is an official trainer for Accor Hospitality Group in several aspects of management fields and not only Revenue Management.
All sessions will be taking place in Bangkok at CGCW and respective meeting space has been booked together with rooms blocked for all participants.
This is a 3 day course (full days) with 12 participants per each session.
As we cannot accommodate all it will be done on first-come-first-serve basis and another 3 sessions (further 36 participants) have been provisionally reserved for mid-April.
It is imperative that at least 2 people per property participate in the same session (3 or more is better) as purpose of this is for every attendee to afterwards go back to their units and as a trained team work together and implement and apply newly learnt processes and procedures that they will be given.
GM and if property has a Revenue Manager in place are both a must, together with any other decision maker whether that is EAM, Resident Manager etc.
5 main areas to be covered are:
# 1 Revenue Management & Pricing Dimensions
# 2 From Demand Evaluation to Forecast Accuracy
# 3 Global Revenue Optimization
# 4 Revenue Management Processes and Techniques
# 5 Pricing and Special Offers Management