2) Classification
The classification and the model creation were done using
the following three data mining classifiers from WEKA:
J48: This is a type of decision tree classifier.
Multilayer Perceptron: This is a type of Artificial
Neural network classifier
Naive Bayesian
10-Folds Cross Validation
3) Application of Class Association Rules (CAR)
The association rule and model creation was done using
the Apriori type algorithm. This was done in order to get the
best attributes association rules for each class in the car
dataset. The experiment on this was conducted from two
perspectives in order to compare the results with a view to
analysing the conditions where the number of the best rules is
high based.
The result of the experiment is presented in this section in
the following order:
The presentation of the results from the experiment is based
on the following experiments:
A. Classification
Training model using all attributes including the class
attribute. This is considered to be a supervised model creation,
because the model is built based on the class values in
correspondence to the values of attributes respectively
The accuracy achieved under different experiment
conditions or setting by Decision Tree, Naive Bayesian, and
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are presented in Tables 5, 6,
and 7 respectively.