Geometry is one of the most important branches of mathematics education, because the aim of the geometry
teaching is to provide students with the ability of critical thinking, problem solving and a better understanding
of the other subjects in mathematics by making the students have a high level of geometric thinking skills
(Şahin, O.,2008). Research of problem solving, which is located in the centre of education, in this extremely
important branch of mathematics education is quite important for mathematics education in our country as in
many countries. There is a lot of research on this issue in the literature. Elçin Emre(2008), has searched
secondary school students’ abilities of using problem solving strategies in her master's thesis and reached the
conclusion that students are quite willing to use a strategy they have learned. Elçin Emre has also observed that
students can use the strategies they have learned appropriately in their homework after the strategy teaching.
On another research, İsrael (2003) has examined problem solving strategies used by 8th grade students in terms
of level of success, gender, and socio-economic level variables and reached the conclusion that there is a
significant relation between problem solving strategies and the level of success, socio-economic level and