B. Guidelines for Preparing the Final Draft Reviewing, Selecting and Editing Items
1. Does each test item measure an important learning-outcome included in the table of
2. Is each item type appropriate for the particular learning outcome to be measured?
3. Does each item present a clearly formulated task?
4. Is the item stated in simple, clear language?
S. Is the item free from extraneous clues?
6. Is the difficulty of the item appropriate for the students to be tested?
7. Is each test item independent and are the items, as a group, free from overlapping?
8. Do the items to be included in the test provide adequate coverage of the table of
Arranging Items
1. The items should be arranged so that all items of the same type are grouped together.
2. The items should be arranged in order of increasing difficulty.
3. For some purposes, it may be desirable to group together items which measure the same
learning outcomes or the same subject-matter content.
Writing Directions
The directions for an achievement test should be simple and concise and yet contain
information concerning each of the following:
1. Purpose of the test.
2. Time allowed to complete the test.
3. How to record the answers.
4. Whether to guess when in doubt about the answer.
C. Other Considerations