In conclusion, these mulch practices could significantly improve
cumulative topsoil temperature and soil moisture, thereby synchronising
larger LAI and greater radiation interception with earlier
development and rapid plant growth during the early VS stage. Consequently,
these mulching practices are effective at improving the
amounts of accumulated dry matter, leading to significantly greater
final biomass, grain yield, and WUE. Compared to conventional
gravel mulching, plastic film mulching could be more effective to
increase the topsoil temperatures and the conservation of available
soil water in spring. Additionally, this technique represents a
more effective approach to improving spring-sown maize yield in
semi-arid regions.
In conclusion, these mulch practices could significantly improvecumulative topsoil temperature and soil moisture, thereby synchronisinglarger LAI and greater radiation interception with earlierdevelopment and rapid plant growth during the early VS stage. Consequently,these mulching practices are effective at improving theamounts of accumulated dry matter, leading to significantly greaterfinal biomass, grain yield, and WUE. Compared to conventionalgravel mulching, plastic film mulching could be more effective toincrease the topsoil temperatures and the conservation of availablesoil water in spring. Additionally, this technique represents amore effective approach to improving spring-sown maize yield insemi-arid regions.
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