A few days after I accepted Prince Jared’s formal engagement proposal, I was called by my father as I finished my sword practice. Lately people even stopped telling me to go to the doctor, so I wonder what it could be.
By the way, my sword practice is proceeding smoothly, I was told today as well “the sword’s movement is great!” After this I just have to get more used somehow to the movements of a sword, so I was praised by my swordsmanship teacher. It seems that we have finally found a magic tutor as well, so everything is going well.
And at this rate, I can even surpass Prince Jared’s swordsmanship brilliantly, or if I get exiled abroad, I could support myself and build a fortune with my magic prowess. Go me, I will defeat yet another destruction flag! I went to see my father while humming and skipping, in an excellent mood.
And so, I entered the room cheerfully, and……
There was the assassin of another destruction flag waiting there.