Mrs. Pang Xe Vang said that the killing was from an ongoing disagreement between ChueFeng Vang (son) and Pang Xe Vang (father). The disagreement was due to Pang Xe Vang having multiple young girl friends in Laos, and that he sent most of his monthly income to them.
Mrs. Vang continued that Mr. Pang Xe Vang had been saying that he would kill the family members one by one. He would start first with ChueFeng Vang, which turned out to be true.
Neng Zong Vang, a close family member to the Fang Xe Vang family, said that this tragedy needs to be a lesson learned and an education opportunity for the Hmong community to take with them. He hopes that such tragic event like this one can preventable in the future.
Watch Suab Hmong News for the detail of the insight story that led to the killing.