Although, the present paper aims to overcome a main research gap by focusing on the important market of mobile business applications, some limitations have to be mentioned. First of all, we focus on a system's perceived characteristics such as usefulness, convenience or quality. Except for the moderating factor age, we did not incorporate characteristics of the users that could possibly influence the perception of the above mentioned system characteristics. Adding more user characteristics to the study (e.g., consumer innovativeness) and at the same time including other fields, such as mobile game applications, could improve our understanding of relevant factors that determine the use of mobile applications. Furthermore, the platform of the respective mobile applications, as well as the necessary hardware can have determining effects on the use of mobile applications. Further studies should analyze relevant characteristics of those infrastructural aspects. We conducted a cross-sectional survey, which means we measured the endogenous variables (intention to use and actual use of mobile business applications) and influencing factors at the same time. Although, we derive hypotheses from theory, causality cannot be proven conclusively. Further, our survey focuses on one national market and does not consider country specific factors that might influence the adoption decision such as cultural values