In the poem Lamplighter Bran exhibits a fast that evoke the sense of happiness. LAMPLIGHTER BARN Myra Cohn Livingston I can play in the prickly hay and I can find where the chickens lay and take off my shoes and stay and stay in the tickly hay on a rainy day. (The Arbuthnot Anthology of Children's Literature, 105) The following poem How It Begins is read more slowly in communicating sympathy for a puppy. How it Begins Mary Oliver A puppy is a puppy is a puppy. He's probably in a basket with a bunch of the other puppies. Then he's a little older and he's nothing but a bundle of longing. He doesn't even understand it. Then someone pick him up and says, "I want this one." Sound Patterns. Sound patterns are made by repeated in sounds and combinations of sounds the words. Words, phrases, or lines are sometimes repeated in their entirety. Also, parts of words may be repeated such as rhyme, assonance, alliteration, consonance, and onomatopoeia.