The aim of this study was to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil (EsEO).
The in vitro effects of EsEO were determined through the egg hatching test and the inhibition of larval development of Haemonchus contortus.
The oil was subjected to acute and subacute toxicity rodents.
The in vivo effects were determined through fecal egg count reduction test in goats. 1.35 and 5.4mgml−1 EsEO inhibited 99.27 and 99.20% H.contortus egg hatching and larval development.
In subacute toxicity of EsEO, all parameters were found to be in the normal range, and histopathological analysis of organs did not present alterations.
EsEO efficacy against goat gastrointestinal nematodes was 76.57% at 15th day after treatment.
E. staigeriana essential oil showed in vitro and in vivo anthelmintic activity.