Mummy i am very happy to received your message and reading your message always make me smile and happy
Mummy i am sorry for replying you late because i was busy with work and meeting all day because is nearly month ending
Mummy last night i open my facebook to read your message and send you a message but i fell asleep because i was very tired from work and meeting all day yesterday mummy please forgive me
Mummy i also understand that both of our work are busy this period nearly the ending of the month
Mummy about saying i love you honestly i am a man full of compassion and i always like to express my feeling because truly this is what i feel from my heart toward you
Mummy thank you for the encouragement you have given to me and i also hope you are doing great and letting you also know that you are always in my heart, body and soul and i think about you every minute, everyday and every night because you are already part of my life now
Mummy i will prepare for meeting now and i knew that you are asleep now i also wish you a sweet dream and i will meet you in your dream tonight kiss you and hug you
I was very happy and smile. The reply message from you.