It's taken me a long time to find the words to properly express how I feel about this tragedy. As many of you know by now, Daniel Kyre has passed away after an apparent suicide attempt. I know everyone will say that we can't blame ourselves for this loss but that doesn't stop the lingering thoughts in the back of our minds from creeping in. Time will silence those demons but for right now I would like to remember the man that inspired me so much.
About 2.5 years ago I received an email from Cyndago. In that email, they expressed a strong desire to collaborate with me after watching many of my videos. They thought that my voice would be the perfect fit as a narrator on a new horror/comedy sketch. You might remember that sketch as Danger in Fiction.
After that video launched I couldn't get enough of working with these amazing young men, Daniel and Ryan. I just HAD to take a full week to drive down and work with these 2, and during that trip I saw first-hand the ENDLESS enthusiasm and drive they had for creating. Most of the time it was raw and crude, but it was still burning with a fiery intensity.
I could fill a book with the experiences we had together since then but now is not the time for that. For now, I will say that the fire they lit in my heart still burns strong today. And though we are all lost in grief I will forever remember Daniel as the amazingly talented and dedicated man I always knew.
An incredible musician. A perfectionist to the extreme. A great friend. Daniel, I miss you more than words can say and I never had the proper chance to tell you how much I enjoyed working with you. How much I enjoyed learning from you. How much I enjoyed spending time with you. I hope you knew.
And to Ryan and Matt, I know that this tragedy won't stop us from creating. Though Cyndago may have ended, Markiplier will continue on. And I will support the both of you in EVERYTHING you wish to do. Until the end of our days, I will support you. And together, I know that we will make something amazing again.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this long post. This wound is still very fresh in our hearts so please give us time. When we return, we will return strong. And we will never forget the man who inspired us to expect more of ourselves.
I'll miss you Daniel.