Breed ´ Sampling Period Interaction Effects. The
interaction between breed of sire and breed of dam
and sampling period is apparent in Figure 4. As
indicated above, there was a highly significant ( P <
.001) D ´ S ´ P interaction for the percentage of 16:0.
Subcutaneous adipose from BH calves exhibited a
more marked postweaning reduction in the percentage
of 16:0 than did s.c. adipose tissue from BB, HB, or
HH calves (Figure 4A). Also, the s.c. adipose tissue
from BB and HB calves had higher 16:0 percentages
at weaning. Correspondingly, 18:0 plus 18:1 percentages
were lower at weaning in BB and HB than in
HH and BH s.c. adipose tissue. The percentages of
18:0 plus 18:1 increased to the same level (55 to 60%)
with age and weight in all four breed-types, and thus
there was a substantially greater magnitude increase
in the BB and HB calves (Figure 4B). Changes in
these major fatty acids and the D ´ S ´ P interaction
were reflected in the MUFA:SFA and UFA:SFA ratios
(Figure 5). Both ratios increased with advancing age,
but the magnitude was less in the HH calves. Thus,
s.c. adipose tissue from HH steers persistently exhibited
lower UFA:SFA and MUFA:SFA ratios, suggesting
that any contribution of Brahman breeding
(either as sire or dam) resulted in less saturated s.c.
adipose tissue.