with time and whether conditions. Sometimes it is calm and there is no power output from the wind power generator. Therefore it is
not convenient to test the charge controller with the electrical power produced by the wind power generator for e very time.
The charge controller is tested with the step-down AC transformer with the same power rating as the wind power generator in the
place of the AC generator of the wind electric power generator. The battery can be charged according to the charge c ontroller. The
charging current of the battery is limited to the maximum of 6A. The presets used in the circuit are adjusted to fulfill the requirements
stated in the previous chapters. The LCD module displays the messages about the voltage of the battery for every second while it is
charging. Figures 10, 11 and 12 show the photos of the complete circuit of the charge controller for charging stage. The first line of
the LCD module displays the message “BATTERY VOLTAGE” and the second line displays the batte ry voltage.