it was another boring day at school.
Tom! shouted my history teacher. Tom!
Tom That's me,'I said. But I said it in an American accent.
The class laughed. They Think I'm funny, but the teachers don't. They think I'm stupid.
I'suppose you think you're very clever,
Tom,said the history teacher.But you're not clever.No,sir, I said. Neesha smiled at me .she'is my best friend. she understands me.she knows that I'don't like history But I really like science. It.'s because of Mr Roberts,our science teacher. He's greatt. Our next lesson was science, but at 11 o'clock Miss kay, the head teacher,came into our classroom.Goog moring ,class, she said. Can you all go to the library,please ? But we 've got science, I said .